CANON RF100-500mm + Extender RF 1.4x … better option compare RF200-800mm ?

I really hope I have time to share same image captured with the RF200-800mm direct compare to RF100-500mm L + Extender RF1.4x .. but I do not have time to bring 2 setup for testing 🙁

….. after ~6months use of CANON RF200-800mm (almost every day)

Now I decided to bring RF100-500mm + 1.4x and here is my some sharing

1. User experience

– I can feel the AF is much accurate, fast

– ligther

– not so bulky


2. Image Stabilizer

– i can feel the IS is much effective .. I can have >50% success rate when shooting 1/30 – 1/60 for 700mm


for RF200-800mm .. 600-800mm I almost certain I need minimum 1/100 for 20-50% success rate.


I can easily capture reasonable stable video RF100-500mm + 1.4x compare to RF200-800mm

3. Image Quality

– all image with Topaz Denoise

*** click the picture for full size view

1. ISO2500, F10, 1/40


2. ISO1600, F10, 1/10


3. ISO6400, F10, 1/50

4. ISO10000, F10, 1/100





CANON RF100-300mm F2.8 field test at Rainforest – Malaysia [update 20240411]

after long wait, I finally have some time with this amazing world number one 100-300 mm zoon F2.8 lens

here is some of my real field “feel” and real field “test result”


my real test with CANON R3, CANON RF100-300mm F2.8 with RF 2x tc

2. Sultan Tit, 冕雀, Melanochlora sultanea, サルタンガラ, SESERAI SULTAN

– a simple test with this active bird, the AF seem quite good even it is slower than RF100-300 with 1.4x, RF400mm F2.8 with 1.4x but it is good enough to photograph small and active bird like this

– 就一个早上测试佳能, 这神般镜头。可是摄鸟还是就太短,很多人还是在意加上2x 增倍镜。关于对焦+画质的表现是怎么样,都是每个人的在意。。。。

***对我来讲300×2 600mm 还是太短。几乎都不能再增长了。100-400mm .可是还是需要的。

ISO2000, F7, 1/100s
No Denoise
ISO2000, F7, 1/100s
Topaz Denoise


1. Rufous-browed Flycatcher, 棕眉姬鹟, 棕眉姬鶲, Anthipes solitaris, アカメヒタキ, SAMBAR RENGKUNG PUTIH SELATAN

– one of the common bird found at Fraser Hill, Malaysia.

– with the current setup, we show the original jpeg without denoise and picture with denoise

– 马来西亚,福隆港蛮普通的鸟。

– 分享,一张没除噪。另一张有Topaz 除噪。

ISO2500, F6.3, 1/160s
Topaz Denoise
ISO2500, F6.3, 1/160s
No Denoise



2. Malayan Laughingthrush, 马来噪鹛, 馬來噪鶥, Trochalopteron peninsulae, マレーシアガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA TEMBAGA BIASA

– another simple test but with very close bird distance

– CANON R3, CANONRF100-300F2.8, 2x, ISO2500, F6.3, 1/250

ISO2500, F6.3, 1/250s
No Denoise
ISO2500, F6.3, 1/250s
Topaz Denoise








Carnivora series | 灵猫科 | liewwk Nature – 1 [update 202410330]

another mammal collection

1. Binturong, 熊狸, Arctictis binturong



1. Binturong, 熊狸, Arctictis binturong

– another mammal, I want to photograph but it is still not a good spot to get good picture but any how it is still look cute

– 另一只我很想拍的哺乳动物(之前见过就没拍过一张我要留下的照片)。这次其实很不错,可是太多客人要看。我还是要让他们看了才可以拍啊。

202403, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia




Birds of Hulu Langat, Selangor | 乌鲁冷岳, 雪兰莪 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 2 [update 20240416]

another new collection of Hulu Langat, Selangor

1. Chestnut-naped Forktail, 栗枕燕尾, 栗頸燕尾, Enicurus ruficapillus, アカエリエンビシキチョウ, CEGAR TENGKUK MERAH

2. Great Iora, 大绿雀鹎, 大綠雀鵯, Aegithina lafresnayei, オオヒメコノハドリ, KUNYIT-KECIL SAYAP HITAM



1. Chestnut-naped Forktail, 栗枕燕尾, 栗頸燕尾, Enicurus ruficapillus, アカエリエンビシキチョウ, CEGAR TENGKUK MERAH

update 202403

– it is an old picture, another not a good memory to have .. too many pressure to cause the chick fledged too earlier …. it still not really able to fly, fall into the river few times and safe back … can’t do much beside wish them good luck

– 久照片,不喜欢放“巢”有关照片(如果放 1.我绝对有信心没人会打扰 2.多余1年后吧)这鸟照,蛮不高兴的一刻。太多的打扰,逼得小鸟提早出巢。还不很会飞,几次跌进河。我们几个挚友希望他们安全。

202209, Sg Congkak, Selangor, Malaysia


2. Great Iora, 大绿雀鹎, 大綠雀鵯, Aegithina lafresnayei, オオヒメコノハドリ, KUNYIT-KECIL SAYAP HITAM

update 202404

– still clearing hdd and this moment remind me my best time spent with my buddies .. hope I have time to go out with them more. Very lucky to see the adult keep feeding the young

– 还在清理2022的旧照片。这照片是鱼一帮朋友无忧无虑的看鸟看到,幼鸟在等成鸟来喂。朋友等等我。

202206, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia







Birds of Kuala Selangor, Selangor | 瓜拉雪兰莪, 雪兰莪 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 5 [update 20240523]

another collection from Kuala Selangor

1. Mangrove Blue Flycatcher, 红树仙鹟, 紅樹仙鶲, Cyornis rufigastra, マングローブヒメアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-BIRU BAKAU

2. Greater Flameback, 大金背啄木鸟, 大金背啄木鳥, Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus, オオコガネゲラ,  BELATUK-PINANG BESAR BIASA

3. Rhinoceros Hornbill, 马来犀鸟, 馬來犀鳥, サイチョウ, Buceros rhinoceros, ENGGANG BADAK

4. Mangrove Whistler, 红树啸鹟, 紅樹嘯鶲, Pachycephala cinerea, マングローブモズヒタキ, MURAI-SIUL BAKAU

5. Black-winged Kite, 黑翅鸢, 黑翅鳶, Elanus caeruleus, カタグロトビ, HELANG-TIKUS BIASA



1. Mangrove Blue Flycatcher, 红树仙鹟, 紅樹仙鶲, Cyornis rufigastra, マングローブヒメアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-BIRU BAKAU

update 202403

– another bird that not so easy to be photograph center of Penisular Malaysia. a male that come out stay long for us

– 在蛮多鸟点都是蛮容易拍照的,在西马中部反而就很不容易。这公鸟站了还蛮久

202305, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia


2. Greater Flameback, 大金背啄木鸟, 大金背啄木鳥, Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus, オオコガネゲラ,  BELATUK-PINANG BESAR BIASA

update 202405

– a relative big woodpecker found near mangrove area. easy to different from common flameback is the eye color

– 蛮大的啄木鸟,通常在红树林见到。与金背三趾啄木鸟容易乱。看眼睛颜色

202403, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia



update 202404

– clearing my HDD again for 2022 (so many folder need to be clear on this year) … found this video ..

– 在清理旧档案,2022 见到这一幕,顺便处理。

3. Rhinoceros Hornbill, 马来犀鸟, 馬來犀鳥, サイチョウ, Buceros rhinoceros, ENGGANG BADAK

update 202405

– a waiting dusk for Nightjar and Owl, all of sudden this bird just flying across low. Even with the RF100-500 + 1.4x tc with such a small aperture (F10).. I still quickly got the bird focus and captured it flying into jungle

– a very common and beautiful hornbill of Malaysia

– 在傍晚时分,我们在等天暗猫头鹰+夜鹰。突然这鸟在低飞入森林里。虽然,佳能RF100-500 + 1.4x 光圈这么小,可是对焦+追焦还是很快的。

– 马来西亚蛮普通的鸟。也是非常漂亮的鸟。

202405, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia

4. Mangrove Whistler, 红树啸鹟, 紅樹嘯鶲, Pachycephala cinerea, マングローブモズヒタキ, MURAI-SIUL BAKAU

update 202405

– a not so attractive bird for Mangrove special, but always a highly wanted bird by birders come to Malaysia.

– this time, a very lucky group.. while we walking at Mangrove.. someone talk to me.. a dull bird stand infront of .. is it common ? very soon I look at the direction, I saw it stand just open and everyone got their best view of this active shy bird.

– 来马来西亚的鸟人,都会想到红树林看几种鸟。这一只是其一。虽然不是很美丽。

– 这一团是多么幸运,我么只是红树林走走。突然其中一位客人,问。。有只没颜色的鸟在这,应该很普通吧。我很快望望,就看到他。这么活跃与害羞的鸟久这么么容易让每一位看的这么好。

202405, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia


5. Black-winged Kite, 黑翅鸢, 黑翅鳶, Elanus caeruleus, カタグロトビ, HELANG-TIKUS BIASA

update 202405

– another good start of the tour, not only hit most of the main targets but included some good view of common birds .. this small raptor got it’s prey and stand infront of us eating the rat …

– 另一个观鸟团好的开始。第一天见到几乎每种主要目标,普鸟也“出奇制胜”。这小猛禽捉了一只老鼠后,尽然飞过来我们面前吃起小老鼠。

202405, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia






CANON R3 with customisable frame rate bursts up to 195fps ..

a boring morning at mud beach, nothing special attract my attention, so I decided to try to shoot my CANON R3 with 195/120 fps and trying on new AngleBird AV Pro SE CFexpress B 1TB

I will continue to try post some direct RAW files browse view using FastRaw

1. AV mode
2. ISO 3200-6400
3. Animal detect and eye detection ON
4. Servo
5. customize 195 fps for 50 shots ot 120 fps for 50s
6. no pictures edit, just direct view the Raw files from the app

Lets have a look at first day samples …

(I zoom in for some interesting view) …

Birds of Sepilok, Sabah | 西必洛, 沙巴 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 21 [update 20240528]

collection of Sepilok, Sandakan, Sabah


1. Rufous-backed Dwarf-Kingfisher, 棕背三趾翠鸟, 棕背三趾翠鳥, Ceyx rufidorsa, セアカミツユビカワセ, RAJAUDANG-API BIASA

2. Banded Broadbill, 斑阔嘴鸟, 斑闊嘴鳥, Eurylaimus javanicus, アズキヒロハシ, Burung Takau Rimba

3. Rufous-winged Philentoma, 棕翅王鵙, 棕翅王鵙, Philentoma pyrhoptera, チャバネアカメヒタキ, REMBAH-BATU KECIL

4. Banded Kingfisher (Black-faced), 横斑翠鸟, 橫斑翠鳥, Lacedo pulchella melanops, カザリショウビン, KAING-KAING BORNEO

5. Black-and-yellow Broadbill, 黑黄阔嘴鸟, 黑黃闊嘴鳥, Eurylaimus ochromalus, クビワヒロハシ, Burung Takau Hitam Kuning

6. Van Hasselt’s Sunbird, 紫喉蓝肩花蜜鸟, 紫喉藍肩花蜜鳥, Leptocoma brasiliana, アンハッセルトタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP BELACAN BIASA

7. Sabah Partridge, 沙巴山鹧鸪, 沙巴山鷓鴣, Tropicoperdix graydoni, クリチャミヤマテッケイ, SERUK-BUKIT SABAH

8. Bornean Black-capped Babbler, 婆罗洲黑冠幽鹛, 婆羅洲黑冠幽鶥, Pellorneum capistratoides, KEKICAU-TANAH UBUN HITAM BORNEO

9. Bornean Bristlehead, 棘毛伯勞, 棘头鵙, Pityriasis gymnocephala, ブタゲモズ, TIUNG-BATU KEPALA MERAH

10. Brown-streaked Flycatcher, 褐纹鹟, 褐斑鶲, Muscicapa williamsoni, Muscicapa williamsoni, SAMBAR-KUSAM LOREK MELAYU

11. Black Magpie (Bornean), 婆罗洲白翅鹊, 婆羅洲白翅鵲,Platysmurus leucopterus aterrimus,クロカケス, BURUNG-KAMBING BORNEO

12. Crimson-winged Woodpecker, 红翅绿啄木鸟,紅翅綠啄木鳥, Picus puniceus, モリアオゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU PARUH KUNING

13. Red-naped Trogon, 红枕咬鹃, 紅枕咬鵑, Harpactes kasumba, アカエリキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA TENGKUK MERAH

14. Diard’s trogon, 紫顶咬鹃, 紫頂咬鵑, Harpactes diardii, バラエリキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA TENGKUK JAMBU

15. Green Broadbill, 绿阔, 小綠闊嘴鳥, Calyptomena viridis, ミドリヒロハシ, Burung Selawit

16. Gray-and-buff Woodpecker, 灰黄啄木鸟, 灰黃啄木鳥, Hemicircus concretus, カンムリコゲラ, BELATUK-DAUN DAHI MERAH

17. Brown Barbet, 褐拟鴷, 褐擬鴷, Caloramphus fuliginosus, チャイロゴシキドリ, TAKUR-DAHAN BORNEO

18. Violet cuckoo, 紫金鹃, 紫金鵑, Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus, スミレテリカッコウ, SEWAH-ZAMRUD UNGU

19. Oriental Bay-Owl, 栗鸮, 栗鴞, Phodilus badius, ニセメンフクロウPUNGGUK-API BIASA

20. White-bellied Woodpecker, 白腹黑啄木鸟, 白腹黑啄木鳥, Dryocopus javensis, キタタキ, BELATUK-HITAM PERUT PUTIH

21. Buff-necked Woodpecker, 黄颈斑啄木鸟, 黃頸斑啄木鳥, Meiglyptes tukki, カレハゲラ, BELATUK-BATU LEHER KUNING




1. Rufous-backed Dwarf-Kingfisher, 棕背三趾翠鸟, 棕背三趾翠鳥, Ceyx rufidorsa, セアカミツユビカワセミ, RAJAUDANG-API BIASA

– a very special different Rufous-backed at Sabah with dark-blue wing

– 与其他棕背三趾翠鸟,很不一样。翅膀是深蓝色。

update 202401

– another good start, after lovely Bornean Bristlehead follow by this cute and beautiful Kingfisher stay calm and long.

– 非常好的2024开始,我们先看/拍到婆罗洲棘头鵙。出来时就看到拍到这么快的“小红”

202402, Sandakan, Sabah

2. Banded Broadbill, 斑阔嘴鸟, 斑闊嘴鳥, Eurylaimus javanicus, アズキヒロハシ, Burung Takau Rimba

normally at low land jungle/forest but it stands high up … and come by more than 1 …

update 202402

– few juvi bird feeding by the adult and managed to see this young bird just stay there but think capture by David Tseu not me .. he poison with the CANON RF200800 😀 ..

– 大家都注意紫顶咬鹃时,我见到好几只小鸟。很快见到小鸟们在等爸爸妈妈喂。这一只站好好,照片DAVID 拍的,他应该定了佳能的RF200800 吧。

202402, Sepilok, Sabah



3. Rufous-winged Philentoma, 棕翅王鵙, 棕翅王鵙, Philentoma pyrhoptera, チャバネアカメヒタキ, REMBAH-BATU KECIL

– common lowland forest bird

– male with blue head and female with gray

update 202402

– a bird that often heard but not seen here, but it just pop us after ours walk out from the trail.

– 这鸟在这都是听多看少。可是,这一次。自己跳出来让我们看看拍拍。

– 好美的鸟。

202402, Sepilok, Sabah

4. Banded Kingfisher (Black-faced), 横斑翠鸟, 橫斑翠鳥, Lacedo pulchella melanops, カザリショウビン, KAING-KAING BORNEO

Banded Kingfisher (Black-faced)

– depend on the checklist this split from Banded Kingfisher (if split it is Borneo endemic)

update 202404

– another good bird seen while waiting for target bird, this bird just came not that high and making some call .. beautiful male bird

– 沙巴另一只低海拔的主要目标鸟。在等其他鸟,这鸟飞在我们附近不高。

202403, Sepilok, Sabah


update 202402

– while we waiting for ours target, a pair of this special Borneo endemic came really low while the target also came close to us… make everyone of us so busy to look for 3 of them 。。 this such a beautiful girl

– 当我们等着目标时,这鸟突然出现。站的很低。。。突然目标鸟也出来,我们很忙的看3只鸟。母鸟还是很美丽。

202402, Sepilok, Sabah



5. Black-and-yellow Broadbill, 黑黄阔嘴鸟, 黑黃闊嘴鳥, Eurylaimus ochromalus,  クビワヒロハシ, Burung Takau Hitam Kuning

The Black-and-yellow Broadbill (Eurylaimus ochromalus) is a species of bird in the Eurylaimidae family. It is found in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, and Thailand. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical moist montane forests. It is threatened by habitat loss.


a bird that beautiful, and with beautiful call ..

update 202402

– it is so hot here, the weather look same like previous Chinese New Year… hot .. hot .. hot .. I am just like this cute little fellow want to shower and shower

– 有如之前华人新年一样,非常热。就热热。。。我就如这小可爱,要冲凉啊。

202402, Sepilok, Sabah



6. Van Hasselt’s Sunbird, 紫喉蓝肩花蜜鸟, 紫喉藍肩花蜜鳥, Leptocoma brasiliana, アンハッセルトタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP BELACAN BIASA

– one of the most beautiful Sunbird of Malaysia, it wont be wrong if you see reddish+purple

– 马来西亚最漂亮花蜜鸟之一吧。远远看红+紫。

update 202402

– quite hot and humid afternoon, heard the bird call… and very soon saw it stand at top of the tree. lovely and beautiful bird as usual

– 蛮闷热的一个中午。听到鸟叫,很快就找到。站在树顶上,漂亮吧

202402, Sepilok, Sabah


7. Sabah Partridge, 沙巴山鹧鸪, 沙巴山鷓鴣, Tropicoperdix graydoni, クリチャミヤマテッケイ, SERUK-BUKIT SABAH

– also call Sabah Partridge, the look slightly different on the chest & head.

– behavior, environment very similar

– comparative common or more sighting compare to the Arborophila Charlton

update 202402

– after got the Bornean Bristlehead, this bird soon come and make loud call for us .. really beautiful and loud call

– 看到棘头鵙后,这鸟就来很近+叫的很大声。这鸟也很漂亮虽然叫的大声恐怖。


8. Bornean Black-capped Babbler, 婆罗洲黑冠幽鹛, 婆羅洲黑冠幽鶥, Pellorneum capistratoides, KEKICAU-TANAH UBUN HITAM BORNEO

– a newly split from Black-capped Babbler.

– 现在,与西马的分类了。

update 202402

– this bird simply odd, it follow us walking in the trail .. it just walk few feet from us .. for quite a distance. Another cute little endemic

– 这是一只非常奇怪的鸟,一只跟着我们走。。。还走了一段路。还在我们几尺内。可是还是很可爱的特有种。

202402, Sepilok, Sabah


9. Bornean Bristlehead, 棘毛伯勞, 棘头鵙, Pityriasis gymnocephala, ブタゲモズ, TIUNG-BATU KEPALA MERAH

– very special lowland Borneo endemic.
– overall black under and back. on top Red-Yellow-orange
– won’t miss the call as very weird calling
– male without red flanks where the female has

– 非常特別的婆羅洲特有種。
– 下半身都黑。頭頸部,紅-橙黃。
– 叫聲很特別。吵,有像狗叫。

update 202405

– just another close encounter of this bird, sometime just need some luck for this wonderful looking bird.

– 另一次的近距离拍摄这鸟。

202405, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202404

– a wonderful group and trip, even begin with little bit problem where Indonesia Mount Ruang eruption cause us reach Borneo with little be delay .. and group decided travel to Kuala Lumpur than direct to Sabah.

– we start ours day with Spotted Wood Owl and Dusky eagle owl .. follow with many good birds and today we had one of the highly wanted target .. 7 birds show up after 1 day search and day 2 early morning gave us very good picture opportunity

– 非常幸运的一组人,开始就麻烦多多。火山爆发。客人从婆罗洲决定到吉隆坡再飞沙巴。在吉隆坡的一天,我们拿下点斑林鸮,乌雕鸮河红树林八色鸫。过了好几美好的几天拍了130+种好鸟。今天再拿下这一只主要目标。到这第一天几乎没听到这鸟,第二天一大早尽然就高高看到第一只。大家的耐心让我们等来7只,有2-3只还下来很低。让大家拍好好。

202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202402

– sometime it is just luck, patient will bring luck … patient ……..

– a very special bird of Borneo

– 有时运气时非常重要的,耐心会给你带来运气的。。。。耐心。。。

– 这鸟很特别哦

202402, Sepilok, Sabah

10. Brown-streaked Flycatcher, 褐纹鹟, 褐斑鶲, Muscicapa williamsoni, Muscicapa williamsoni, SAMBAR-KUSAM LOREK MELAYU

– a very Asian Brown like bird, but upper chest seem have brown streak

update 202403

– not my first time seeing this bird here, but few occasion and this time we saw it carry nesting material went into a canopy tree.. but not able to have record picture

– 在几年前就发现这鸟有点不一样。在过了北冬季还是在那+胸部事有点不一样。这一次很肯定他是在马来西亚筑巢。看到他带草回同一树上好几次。

202403, Sepilok, Sabah


11. Black Magpie (Bornean), 婆罗洲白翅鹊, 婆羅洲白翅鵲,Platysmurus leucopterus aterrimus,クロカケス, BURUNG-KAMBING BORNEO

update 202403

– another bird that use to be not so common at RDC but recently it become almost cannot miss bird .. a black bird that look similar to Peninsular Malaysia species but here without the white patch on wing

– 这鸟在Sepilok 几年前几乎很难见到。可是现在,几乎很难见不到的。这鸟与西马的几乎一样,体型,样子,叫声。就翅膀没白斑。

202403, Sepilok, Sabah


12. Crimson-winged Woodpecker, 红翅绿啄木鸟,紅翅綠啄木鳥, Picus puniceus, モリアオゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU PARUH KUNING

– common lowland-submontane medium size

– mostly red and special with a blue eye ring

update 202402

– another very close encounter of the lovely woodpecker, the story behind is the bird only have certain angle to have better view but it is always good to tolerate to have every got chance to have a good picture or view

– 在沙巴行,这是另一只很近距离的鸟。都看得很好与近。可是,当我们见到这鸟时。有几个人在拍+看,可是在哪蛮久。可是只有1-2个位置好看+拍。真的大家礼让还是很重要的。

202402, Sepilok, Sabah


13. Red-naped Trogon, 红枕咬鹃, 紅枕咬鵑, Harpactes kasumba, アカエリキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA TENGKUK MERAH

update 202405

– a bird that quite easy at RDC, Sepilok, Sabah. the male with almost all red with blue eye-ring.

– we saw few times of this and guests just like it so much and almost non stop pressing shutter each time meeting this beauty.

– 在沙巴RDC, 这鸟还是很普通的。几乎,只要有耐心都可以拍到。

– 公鸟几乎全红+蓝颜圈。

202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202403

– this bird getting less sighting compare to years back but at Sepilok.. it is still a common seen bird .. it always together with Diard’s trogon.

– 这几年来,这鸟几乎越来越难见到。除了在西必洛, 沙巴 还是蛮容易的。

202403, Sepilok, Sabah


14. Diard’s trogon, 紫顶咬鹃, 紫頂咬鵑, Harpactes diardii, バラエリキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA TENGKUK JAMBU

update 202404

– a “purple” head trogon than wont be missed, and pretty common bird to be seen at Sepilok, Sandakan.

– 有如其名,紫顶。在山打根RDC蛮普通的。

202403, Sepilok, Sabah


15. Green Broadbill, 绿阔, 小綠闊嘴鳥, Calyptomena viridis, ミドリヒロハシ, Burung Selawit

update 202405

– it is my first time heard and see this bird in RDC .. may be I am not lucky ? but it is rare for myself .. it is so happy for everyone after we have few very good view like this.

– a cute Luminous Green bird with very soft call

– 在雨林探索中心 Sepilok 这么多年,我是第一次听到,看到这一只鸟。是我的运气不好? 可是还是非常的高兴遇上。

– 一只非常可爱的“荧光绿“的小可爱。

202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia


16. Gray-and-buff Woodpecker, 灰黄啄木鸟, 灰黃啄木鳥, Hemicircus concretus, カンムリコゲラ, BELATUK-DAUN DAHI MERAH

update 202405

– one of the cutest bird, small and active small woodpecker. Male with red-crown, which female missing

– amazing photography trip with Taiwan guests, this bird just jump infront of us for such a good picture

– 最可爱的啄木鸟之一,公鸟头部红,母鸟没红。

– 一次与非常幸运的台湾朋友们。好运到,这鸟自己跳到我们面前。

202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia

17. Brown Barbet, 褐拟鴷, 褐擬鴷, Caloramphus fuliginosus, チャイロゴシキドリ, TAKUR-DAHAN BORNEO

update 202405

– a pretty common Borneo endemic making some high pitch call, normally moving in group

– overall brown with reddish leg

– got this almost eye level at canopy with small fruiting tree

– 婆罗洲蛮普通的鸟,叫声有点小高音

– 几乎都是褐色,红脚。

– 在天空吊桥在近距离看到。

202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia


18. Violet cuckoo, 紫金鹃, 紫金鵑, Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus, スミレテリカッコウ, SEWAH-ZAMRUD UNGU

update 202405

– another close encounter of this beautiful bird for guests so happy for everyone.

– small cuckoo with correct lighting, the violet so cool

– 客人高兴到极点吧。这么近距离拍这鸟。还要遇上光线好。

– 这鹃蛮小,要在有光线下看那紫。。。真的很美丽

202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia


19. Oriental Bay-Owl, 栗鸮, 栗鴞, Phodilus badius, ニセメンフクロウPUNGGUK-API BIASA

update 202405

– another success night birding just less than an hour, we had nightjar (nesting) and this lovely small owl.

– small owl that normally not that shy to human

– 另一个美好的夜观,一只夜鹰,加这只漂亮的小猫头鹰。

202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia


20. White-bellied Woodpecker, 白腹黑啄木鸟, 白腹黑啄木鳥, Dryocopus javensis, キタタキ, BELATUK-HITAM PERUT PUTIH

update 202405

– a big “black” woodpecker which you wont go wrong with the ID here in Malaysia. It is not that rare but common at RDC, Sepilok, Sabah. Walk around very good chance to have very good view of this beautiful woodpecker.

– lucky group to have this bird stay for more than 20 minutes for us to take almost every angle of this bird

– 一只蛮大+黑的啄木鸟,应该很好认的鸟。在西必洛,沙巴在林子里走走。见到的机会是蛮大的。

– 这一幸运的摄鸟组,这鸟在很低的角度站了20+分钟。拍到够够啊。

202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia

21. Buff-necked Woodpecker, 黄颈斑啄木鸟, 黃頸斑啄木鳥, Meiglyptes tukki, カレハゲラ, BELATUK-BATU LEHER KUNING

update 202405
– another casual birding behind the resort as already got all the targets .. but not bad got few good speciess include this beautiful woodpecker with close view
– a quite common “brown” woodpecker with “white” mark on neck
– 几乎所有目标都拿下了。就到酒店后面轻松拍拍,尽然遇上好几只鸟很近的让我们拍照。

202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia










Birds of Bukit Tinggi, Pahang | 武急丁宜山, 彭亨 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 4 [update 20240417]

another collection for Bukit Tinggi, Pahang

1. Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot, 蓝顶短尾鹦鹉, 藍冠短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus galgulus, サトウチョウ, SERINDIT MELAYU

2. Great Hornbill, 双角犀鸟, 雙角犀鳥, Buceros bicornis, オオサイチョウ, ENGGANG PAPAN

3. Ferruginous Partridge, 锈红林鹧鸪, 銹紅林鷓鴣, Caloperdix oculeus, アカチャシャコ, SERUK-RIMBA JINGGA

4. Helmeted Hornbill, 盔犀鸟, 盔犀鳥, Rhinoplax vigil, オナガサイチョウ, ENGGANG GADING



1. Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot, 蓝顶短尾鹦鹉, 藍冠短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus galgulus, サトウチョウ, SERINDIT MELAYU

– very small parrot, male with a red neck, blue crown. Female overall green


update 202404

– the flower withered but the bird still coming … good view of this cute bird

– 花都开始谢了,可是话还是来。真的很美。

202404, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202403

– as usual this tree still attract few birds, but today too bad just this hanging parrot available. This bird is so small and cute

– 这树几乎吸引蛮多鸟,可是今天就这一只小家伙。可是他很可爱+小。

202403, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


2. Great Hornbill, 双角犀鸟, 雙角犀鳥, Buceros bicornis, オオサイチョウ, ENGGANG PAPAN

update 202403

– while we looking for another “hornbill” this bird suddenly make a flying across .. lovely hornbill

– 当我们在找另一只犀鸟时,这鸟突然叫了+飞过。

202403, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


3. Ferruginous Partridge, 锈红林鹧鸪, 銹紅林鷓鴣, Caloperdix oculeus, アカチャシャコ, SERUK-RIMBA JINGGA

update 202403

– another bird that everyone still hope to see while looking for while visiting one of the feeding spot. But it is never easy to meet this bird … finally it is active last few weeks and I managed to see it for 3/4 trips there.

– 当我们到这个“喂食点”, 这鸟之前是多么的吸引鸟人。现在每个人到哪,非常希望在拍到他。。。可惜他是多么的神秘,几乎都没什么人看到它。上几个月,我尽然遇上3次(去了4次)。。当然是拍到。

202403, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


4. Helmeted Hornbill, 盔犀鸟, 盔犀鳥, Rhinoplax vigil, オナガサイチョウ, ENGGANG GADING

update 202404

– another bird that always see it far, this is far far away and lucky because of far .. accident captured the female also in a frame (actually crop 50% after 800mm focal length)

– lovely sunset, heard the bird call loud not long we managed to saw it stand far up ..

– 夕阳来袭时,突然听到这鸟叫。很快的就看到他们站高高。

– 很多朋友都希望看到这鸟,可是还是可遇不可求。通常还是站远远,这一幕大概1-2公里?

202402, Pahang, Malaysia






Birds of Taiping, Perak | 太平-霹雳 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 3 [update 20240418]

this special lovely place of Malaysia worth me make another collection … google it, a very special and good place for relax , birding ..

1. Rhinoceros Hornbill, 马来犀鸟, 馬來犀鳥, サイチョウ, Buceros rhinoceros, ENGGANG BADAK

2. Western Hooded Pitta, 西方绿胸八色鸫, 西方綠胸八色鶇, Pitta sordida cucullata, ズグロヤイロチョウ, BURUNG-PACAT HIJAU

3. Rufous Woodpecker, 栗啄木鸟, 栗啄木鳥, Micropternus brachyurus, クリチャゲラ, BELATUK BIJI NANGKA


1. Rhinoceros Hornbill, 马来犀鸟, 馬來犀鳥, サイチョウ, Buceros rhinoceros, ENGGANG BADAK

update 202403

– it is fun to have 800mm zoom ? I used this new CANON RF200-800mm for months and again the 800mm is really useful sometime while this bird just ~10m from us and I use 800mm zoom to get almost same view like this

– 其实800mm除了拍远远的鸟,还可以把鸟看的近近的。这鸟今天站大概10米,我用了800mm 拍个特写。

202403, Taiping, Perak, Malaysia


2. Western Hooded Pitta, 西方绿胸八色鸫, 西方綠胸八色鶇, Pitta sordida cucullata, ズグロヤイロチョウ, BURUNG-PACAT HIJAU

update 202403

– another bird that I rarely photograph beside feeding spot… this as usual a bird capture at feeding spot. It is tame as usual come together with another lovely Kingfisher

– 这鸟应该是我拍最少野拍八色鸫。这一只是喂食点的,与之前一样都很乖啊。

202403, Taiping, Perak, Malaysia



3. Rufous Woodpecker, 栗啄木鸟, 栗啄木鳥, Micropternus brachyurus, クリチャゲラ, BELATUK BIJI NANGKA

update 202404

– another common bird but beautiful.. one of the “brown” woodpecker among many colorful woodpecker of Malaysia

– 马来西亚的啄木鸟都很多颜色的,就好几种比较闷。包括这一只,可是还是漂亮的。也蛮普通。

202404, Taiping, Perak, Malaysia






update 202403 – all update done 2024 March

update of 2024 March

update 202403

– another bird that everyone still hope to see while looking for while visiting one of the feeding spot. But it is never easy to meet this bird … finally it is active last few weeks and I managed to see it for 3/4 trips there.

– 当我们到这个“喂食点”, 这鸟之前是多么的吸引鸟人。现在每个人到哪,非常希望在拍到他。。。可惜他是多么的神秘,几乎都没什么人看到它。上几个月,我尽然遇上3次(去了4次)。。当然是拍到。

202403, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

Birds of Bukit Tinggi, Pahang | 武急丁宜山, 彭亨 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 3 [update 20240331]

Phasianidae Series: Partridge | 雉科: 鹧鸪 | liewwk Nature 8-4 [update 20240331]


update 202403

– another bird that use to be so common in Fraser Hill, but getting less sighting recently … wonder what happen .. common but beautiful bird

– 福隆港蛮普通而美丽的鸟。可是最近几年,这鸟开始很难遇上不像5年前,几乎那都可以见到。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Birds of Fraser Hill, Malaysia | 福隆港 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 18 [update 20240329]

Leiothrichidae series: Sibia, Minla, Mesia | 噪鹛科: 相思鸟, 希鹛 | liewwk Nature 4-1 [update 20240329]


update 202403

– just another bird seldom meet it perch, it is beautiful bird

– 一只我很少见到它站的。通常都是飞版。

202403, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia


Birds of Kinabatangan River | 沙巴京那巴当岸河 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20240327]



update 202403

– it is an old picture, another not a good memory to have .. too many pressure to cause the chick fledged too earlier …. it still not really able to fly, fall into the river few times and safe back … can’t do much beside wish them good luck

– 久照片,不喜欢放“巢”有关照片(如果放 1.我绝对有信心没人会打扰 2.多余1年后吧)这鸟照,蛮不高兴的一刻。太多的打扰,逼得小鸟提早出巢。还不很会飞,几次跌进河。我们几个挚友希望他们安全。

202209, Sg Congkak, Selangor, Malaysia

Birds of Hulu Langat, Selangor | 乌鲁冷岳, 雪兰莪 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 1 [update 20240326]

Muscicapidae series: Forktail | 鹟科: 燕尾 | liewwk Nature – 4-1 [update 20240327]


update 202403

– very common bird Kinabatangan River, come at the right place can get close to the bird as close as 10 feet … they are not shy at all

– 在京河很普通的鸟。在对的点,几乎不怕人。

202403, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia

Birds of Sabah, Malaysia | 马来西亚 -沙巴 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20240327]

Birds of Kinabatangan River | 沙巴京那巴当岸河 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20240327]

Anhingidae series: Darter | 蛇鹈科 | liewwk Nature – 1 [update 20240326]


update 202403

– another bird that I rarely photograph beside feeding spot… this as usual a bird capture at feeding spot. It is tame as usual come together with another lovely Kingfisher

– 这鸟应该是我拍最少野拍八色鸫。这一只是喂食点的,与之前一样都很乖啊。

202403, Taiping, Perak, Malaysia

Birds of Taiping, Perak | 太平-霹雳 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 2 [update 20240326]

Pittidae series: Pitta | 八色鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 12-10 [update 20240326]


update 202403

– it is one of the beautiful non black-and-white forktail here .. beautiful and shy as usual .. not that difficult to see it near the stream.

– 马来西亚蛮漂亮的燕尾,也是唯一不是黑+白的。蛮害羞,在溪边蛮容易看到的。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Birds of Sabah, Malaysia | 马来西亚 -沙巴 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20240327]

Birds of Danum Valley | 沙巴丹浓谷保护区 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 12 [update 20240325]

Muscicapidae series: Forktail | 鹟科: 燕尾 | liewwk Nature – 4-1 [update 20240327]


update 202403

– another bird that can be seen any where in Fraser Hill, amazing green and big bird that make loud and noisy call

– 另一只在福隆港,哪都有可能见到的鸟。大,绿,叫的很吵的鸟。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Birds of Fraser Hill, Malaysia | 福隆港 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 18 [update 20240329]

Corvidae series: Magpie, Crow | 鸦科 | liewwk Nature – 6-3 [update 20240324]


update 20240324

– another reason to be at Danum Valley, as this bird is common here and difficult to miss it. active and with few different amazing “call”

– 另一个理由要到丹浓谷观鸟。这鸟在这蛮普通,几乎很难错过的。这鸟也蛮活跃+吵的。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Birds of Sabah, Malaysia | 马来西亚 -沙巴 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20240327]

Birds of Danum Valley | 沙巴丹浓谷保护区 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 12 [update 20240325]

Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-2 [update 20240324]


update 202403

a tiny bird that make amazing high pitch call

– 很小,活跃的鸟。可是叫声很高音

Video Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 – 视频 | liewwk Nature 46 [20240323]

Birds of Kinabalu National Park (KNP) | 沙巴神山 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 6 [update 20240323]

Scotocercidae series: Warbler | 树莺科 | liewwk Nature – 2 [update 20240323]




update 202403

– this bird getting less sighting compare to years back but at Sepilok.. it is still a common seen bird .. it always together with Diard’s trogon.

– 这几年来,这鸟几乎越来越难见到。除了在西必洛, 沙巴 还是蛮容易的。

202403, Sepilok, Sabah

Birds of Sabah, Malaysia | 马来西亚 -沙巴 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20240327]

Birds of Sepilok, Sabah | 西必洛, 沙巴 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 13 [update 20240323]

Trogonidae series: Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 7+1 [update 20240323]


update 202403

– one of the small and active bird that spend ours 1-2 hour for this bird

– 非常活跃的鸟,我们都用了好几个小时拍下记录。

20240119 – Langgaliru, Sumba, Indonesia

Zosteropidae series: White-eye, Yuhina | 绣眼鸟科 | liewwk Nature 5-3 [update 20240323]

Sumba -Indoensia Bird Photography | 松巴岛 – 印尼 : 鸟摄 | liewwk Nature 8 [update 20240323]


update 202403

– while we looking for another “hornbill” this bird suddenly make a flying across .. lovely hornbill

– 当我们在找另一只犀鸟时,这鸟突然叫了+飞过。

202403, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

Birds of Bukit Tinggi, Pahang | 武急丁宜山, 彭亨 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 3 [update 20240331]

Bucerotidae series: Hornbill | 犀鸟科 | liewwk Nature 10-2 [update 20240323]


– this pair of Trogon is so tame come so close and while I having 800mm on hand .. zoom all the way to get closest look and the “lady” give us a look back view…

– 这一对咬鹃是多么的乖,这么巧800mm就来个大头照。还要这美女来个“回眸一笑“

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Birds of Fraser Hill, Malaysia | 福隆港 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 18 [update 20240329]

Trogonidae series: Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 7+1 [update 20240323]


update 202403

– one of the most attractive bird of Montane of Borneo, the bright green with white eye and noisy sound

– 在婆罗洲高海拔地区,最吸引人的鸟之一。这个光绿+白眼的。。还有很吵的鸟。

202402, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

Birds of Sabah, Malaysia | 马来西亚 -沙巴 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20240327]

Birds of Kinabalu National Park (KNP) | 沙巴神山 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 6 [update 20240323]

Corvidae series: Magpie, Crow | 鸦科 | liewwk Nature – 6-3 [update 20240324]



update 202403

– another possible Trogon found Fraser Hill gap, it is not easy compare to Bukit Tinggi to have better view and picture but it still another option have this beautiful bird at Center of Peninsular Malaysia

– 在福隆港的上下山路中另一只可以见到的咬鹃。虽然不很普通,可是在西马中部这还是较有机会的。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Birds of Fraser Hill, Malaysia | 福隆港 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 18 [update 20240329]

Trogonidae series: Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 7+1 [update 20240323]


update 202403
– this bird seem pretty common at Kinabatangan River .. not less than 20 birds over 2.5 days there
– 今年没什么候鸟,可是这一种却还好。2.5天看到不下20只吧

202403, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia

Birds of Sabah, Malaysia | 马来西亚 -沙巴 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20240327]

Birds of Kinabatangan River | 沙巴京那巴当岸河 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20240327]

Alcedinidae series: Kingfisher | 翠鸟科 | liewwk Nature 15-7 [update 20240221]



update 202403

– it is a small & common bird, and it is good to have it close view ..

– 蛮普通+小的鸟。可是近距离看,还是很美的。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Birds of Fraser Hill, Malaysia | 福隆港 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 18 [update 20240329]

Vangidae series: Woodshrike, Flycatcher-shrike | 钩嘴鵙科 | liewwk Nature -3 [update 20240321]


update 202403

– another bird that use to be not so common at RDC but recently it become almost cannot miss bird .. a black bird that look similar to Peninsular Malaysia species but here without the white patch on wing

– 这鸟在Sepilok 几年前几乎很难见到。可是现在,几乎很难见不到的。这鸟与西马的几乎一样,体型,样子,叫声。就翅膀没白斑。

202403, Sepilok, Sabah

Birds of Sepilok, Sabah | 西必洛, 沙巴 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 13 [update 20240323]

Corvidae series: Magpie, Crow | 鸦科 | liewwk Nature – 6-3 [update 20240324]

Birds of Sabah, Malaysia | 马来西亚 -沙巴 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20240327]


update 202403

CANON R3, CANON RF200-800mm

Pahang, Malaysia

– lucky to have this bird calling non stop at road side when we just arrive to check out



Birds of Fraser Hill, Malaysia | 福隆港 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 18 [update 20240329]

Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-2 [update 20240324]





update 202403

– another bird that easy confuse and found at KNP, always found near road side and near stream

– 在神山就这一种,也蛮容易见到。在路旁或小溪旁都可以看到

202308, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 59 [update 20240322]

Birds of Sabah, Malaysia | 马来西亚 -沙巴 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20240327]

Birds of Kinabalu National Park (KNP) | 沙巴神山 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 6 [update 20240323]

Muscicapidae series: Forktail | 鹟科: 燕尾 | liewwk Nature – 4-1 [update 20240327]



update 202403

– very lucky moment while everyone just got the eye level of Trogon, this bird just not far from the Trogon. But I am not happy with some foreign photographers with us… we found the Trogon and stand at best position for the view but another group of Photographers lead by other Guide just stand infront of us when they saw us looking at the bushes … and I actually told them they blocking us .. but they just ignore us !!!!! please be polite and considerate ..

– 非常幸运见到咬鹃后,这鸟也站我们不远。可是在这我是要吐槽一下,另一组国外摄鸟人(有鸟导领的)。当我们见到这鸟时,我们很快到了最好角度…可是没久另一组摄鸟人跑来我们前面就站我们前面。我很礼貌跟他们讲,可是他们就当我没讲话一样。所以我们看到这鸟时,我也没通知他们。大家在一个点就礼让一点吧。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Eurylaimidae series: Broadbill | 阔嘴鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 9 [update 20240320]

Birds of Fraser Hill, Malaysia | 福隆港 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 18 [update 20240329]


update 202403

– it is a pretty bird, the male overall red look ao amazing under right lighting …

– 这鸟虽然普通,可是在真确光线下很漂亮啊。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Birds of Fraser Hill, Malaysia | 福隆港 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 18 [update 20240329]

Trogonidae series: Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 7+1 [update 20240323]



– both indranee Group & leptogrammica Group both show have different look and call .. Borneo one seem smaller too

update 202403

– it is a lucky night, after got the Barred Eagle Owl… this bird just stand there for us .. another good picture to show the different between indranee Group (Peninsular Malaysia) & leptogrammica Group (Borneo)

– 非常幸运的一个晚上。见到马来雕鸮后,就看到这一只有点不一样的褐林鸮(婆罗洲). 外表+叫声都很不一样。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

STRIGIFORMES series: Owl | 鸮形目 : 猫头鹰| liewwk Nature 16-8 [update 20240319]

Birds of Danum Valley | 沙巴丹浓谷保护区 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 12 [update 20240325]

Birds of Sabah, Malaysia | 马来西亚 -沙巴 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20240327]


update 202403

– this is one of the common Fraser bird, getting difficult .. due to some reason ? or behavior change ? 6-8 years ago, it is so easy to get a good view of this bird… but now most of them shy and standing high up .. for reason ?
– I am lucky 2024, 2 trips got this bird with good view for more than 10 minutes
– 在6-8年前,福隆港是很普通的鸟。可是为什么这几年连看都难看到?什么理由?
– 2024 非常幸运,已2团都看的不错。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Birds of Fraser Hill, Malaysia | 福隆港 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 18 [update 20240329]

STRIGIFORMES series: Owl | 鸮形目 : 猫头鹰| liewwk Nature 16-8 [update 20240319]



update 202403

– it is a bird that always avoid me, I didn’t got many chance to take photo of this common but shy bird. But this month within same tour, I got both Borneo-Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia-Pahang version … and surprise they are tame and allow us approach them ~10m

– 这一只普通害羞的鸟,跟我没什么缘分。几乎没拍过怎么样的照片,可是这个月的一个19天的观鸟团。尽然,给了我2个机会(婆罗洲+西马国家公园)而且时大概10米的。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Birds of Sabah, Malaysia | 马来西亚 -沙巴 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20240327]

Birds of Danum Valley | 沙巴丹浓谷保护区 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 12 [update 20240325]

Muscicapidae series: Forktail | 鹟科: 燕尾 | liewwk Nature – 4-1 [update 20240327]


update 202403

– as usual this tree still attract few birds, but today too bad just this hanging parrot available. This bird is so small and cute

– 这树几乎吸引蛮多鸟,可是今天就这一只小家伙。可是他很可爱+小。

202403, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

Birds of Bukit Tinggi, Pahang | 武急丁宜山, 彭亨 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 3 [update 20240331]

Psittaculidae series: Parrot | 鹦鹉科 | liewwk Nature 6-6 [update 20240317]


update 202403

– it is a good fruiting tree, gave us very good view (eye level) of few good birds. Included this lovely colorful Barbet

– 这果树真的很好,好几只好鸟都是平视角。包括这只非常漂亮的鸟。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Birds of Fraser Hill, Malaysia | 福隆港 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 18 [update 20240329]

Megalaimidae series: Barbet | 拟鴷科 | liewwk Nature 16-2 [update 20240316]


update 202403

– another bird quite common at Danum Valley and not else where, and this time meet this bird at Canopy bridge and it show weird reaction shaking its head ..

– 另一只在丹绒谷蛮普通的鸟(在其他地方蛮难找的)。这次还在高桥处看到他的特别摇头动作。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Birds of Sabah, Malaysia | 马来西亚 -沙巴 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20240327]

Birds of Danum Valley | 沙巴丹浓谷保护区 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 12 [update 20240325]

Vangidae series : Philentoma | 钩嘴鵙科 : 王鵙 | liewwk Nature 2 [update 20240315]


update 202403

– it is fun to have 800mm zoom ? I used this new CANON RF200-800mm for months and again the 800mm is really useful sometime while this bird just ~10m from us and I use 800mm zoom to get almost same view like this

– 其实800mm除了拍远远的鸟,还可以把鸟看的近近的。这鸟今天站大概10米,我用了800mm 拍个特写。

202403, Taiping, Perak, Malaysia

Birds of Taiping, Perak | 太平-霹雳 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 2 [update 20240326]

Bucerotidae series: Hornbill | 犀鸟科 | liewwk Nature 10-2 [update 20240323]


update 202403

– it is another great trip, we saw this bird 2 times from Fraser Hill and Danum Valley. While we having ours afternoon walk, this bird just flew in and after we managed to have some good view of the male (didn’t found where the female perch) … the male decide to leave than we saw the female 😀

– 今年非常好的第一个长观鸟团19天。。。见到这鸟2次(西马+东马-婆罗洲)。在丹绒谷,我们在炎热的中午看鸟时。他们就突然飞来,没很久看完公鸟后(找不到母鸟),他就起飞。。。这一幕让我喊“母鸟!”

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Bucerotidae series: Hornbill | 犀鸟科 | liewwk Nature 10-2 [update 20240323]

Birds of Danum Valley | 沙巴丹浓谷保护区 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 12 [update 20240325]

update 202403

– last bird of Fraser Hill for current Photography tour, customers happy with ~20m away … I am happy too .. what a cute bird

– 福隆港摄鸟团最后一只鸟,客人对20米外的它已满足。当然我也高兴。好可爱啊

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Birds of Fraser Hill, Malaysia | 福隆港 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 18 [update 20240329]

STRIGIFORMES series: Owl | 鸮形目 : 猫头鹰| liewwk Nature 16-8 [update 20240319]


update 202403

– what you want is what other want ? for sure NOPE .. for the first time in Fraser with guests we not going for most of the targets but just concentrate few for photo (they are first time birding-Photography in Malaysia) .. but always patient pay off

– 你要的是人家要的?当然不是,每个人都有不一样的要求。第一次上来没去很多主要的鸟点,客人可是第一次来马来西亚拍鸟。可是就这样,都把他们心里要的拍的很不错。耐心,心态还是很重要。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Birds of Fraser Hill, Malaysia | 福隆港 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 18 [update 20240329]

Columbidae series: Dove, Pigeon | 鸠鸽科 | liewwk Nature 20-9 [update 20240313]


update 202403

– another not so common for a Barbet feed on insect but not bring back to feed young. As usual this beautiful Barbet attract all ours attention …

– 这拟鴷还是这么美丽,可是还是蛮不寻常。他们吃昆虫而不是果子,通常在喂小孩时会带回去喂。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Birds of Fraser Hill, Malaysia | 福隆港 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 18 [update 20240329]

Megalaimidae series: Barbet | 拟鴷科 | liewwk Nature 16-2 [update 20240316]


update 202403

– a very tame and easy female this time, it just keep following us until we got the male after ~30-40minutes first saw this bird

– 每次母鸟都较难看到,可是这次母鸟却一直跟着我们直到我们看到雄鸟。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 59 [update 20240322]

Birds of Danum Valley | 沙巴丹浓谷保护区 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 12 [update 20240325]

Muscicapidae series: Flycatcher | 鹟科 | liewwk Nature – 33 [update 20240326]


update 202403

– it is not really that normal to see Barbet feed on insect, it feed 2 (a big cicada before this) and not far it is fruiting tree.. it is always good to see this bird close and eye level

– 在福隆港虽然很普通的鸟,应该也没什么见过这鸟吃“肉” 吧。见到它吃第二只。在近距离就有果树啊。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Megalaimidae series: Barbet | 拟鴷科 | liewwk Nature 16-2 [update 20240316]

Birds of Fraser Hill, Malaysia | 福隆港 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 18 [update 20240329]


update 202403

– this year is good for this Garnet Pitta, my 3rd times seeing this bird (2 times in Taman Negara – Kuala Tahan and now at Merapoh) seem getting better ? easier and more heard ? this feeding station are seem not active lucky to heard it than got it

– 今年对上这鸟蛮幸运,已是第3次见到他了。(2次在大汉国家公园,这次在Merapoh) 虽然这是有名的喂食点可是我们没在原本的“等点”等到,还好有去找找。

202403, Merapoh, Kelantan, Malaysia

Pittidae series: Pitta | 八色鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 12-10 [update 20240326]


update 202403

– as usual most of the guests arrive here is looking for this not so common Hornbill of Malaysia in other location. But it is pretty common in Kinabatangan River

– 有如其他鸟人,到京河。都想看看这犀鸟,这犀鸟其实在其他点很不容易见到。

202403, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia

Birds of Sabah, Malaysia | 马来西亚 -沙巴 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20240327]

Birds of Kinabatangan River | 沙巴京那巴当岸河 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20240327]

Bucerotidae series: Hornbill | 犀鸟科 | liewwk Nature 10-2 [update 20240323]


update 202403

– 2024 February seem very good for many different species of cuckoo, included this one almost seen any where with some good picture opportunity

– 2024 2月几乎是杜鹃鸟季节。今年几乎哪都看到,听到这鸟叫。还可以拍到不错的照片。

202402, Congkak, Selangor

Cuculidae series: Cuckoo, Coucal, Ground Cuckoo | 杜鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 20-2 [update 20240309]


update 202403

– it is another lucky night, managed to see this cute animal feeding on leaf .. and next night with young .few months ago actually managed to see or record how it drink water on tree.

– 非常幸运,可以看到他们怎么吃叶子。之前拍过他喝水。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Colugo series | 猫候 |liewwk Nature – 1 [update 20240309]


update 202403

– another chance to photograph and see this bird.. this bird is not easy at most of the location except Danum Valley which is seem quite easier. Even after all people have a good look I still have chance to take a picture of this shy and active song bird

– 其实在很多地方,这鸟都是非常难看好+拍到。除了丹浓谷,我几乎每次都看到。。(当然不是拍到,还是非常活跃+害羞的)。。。这次,这鸟让全部看到后,还站了一会让我拍拍。还是有点暗

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Birds of Sabah, Malaysia | 马来西亚 -沙巴 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20240327]

Birds of Danum Valley | 沙巴丹浓谷保护区 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 12 [update 20240325]

Muscicapidae series: Shama | 鹟科 : 鹊鸲 | liewwk Nature – 4 [20240308]


update 202403

– give some motivation for my friend … jiayou

– 朋友看到这鸟照片中毒。来多一张,加油

20231225, Sg Penuh, Sumatra.

Cuculidae series: Cuckoo, Coucal, Ground Cuckoo | 杜鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 20-2 [update 20240309]

Sumatra Bird Photography | 苏门答腊 : 鸟摄 | liewwk Nature 15 [update 20240307]


update 202403

– another active bird that getting difficult to seen and photograph compare many years ago. But this time, this bird seem very good to come close but still moving fast

– 这鸟之前还是蛮好拍的。可是最近几年,这鸟越来越难。可是这次这鸟尽然下来很低。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Birds of Danum Valley | 沙巴丹浓谷保护区 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 12 [update 20240325]

Birds of Sabah, Malaysia | 马来西亚 -沙巴 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20240327]

Timaliidae series: Babbler, Scimitar Babbler | 画眉科 | liewwk Nature – 15+2 [update 20240307]


update 202403

– another active bird, but this was quite easy for us to have good view and good picture too … happy

– 另一只不停的鸟。可是这次,这鸟非常乖,没几分钟就让我们看好好。拍好好

202403, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia


Birds of Sabah, Malaysia | 马来西亚 -沙巴 | liewwk Nature – 32 [update 20240327]

Birds of Kinabatangan River | 沙巴京那巴当岸河 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20240327]

Timaliidae series: Babbler, Scimitar Babbler | 画眉科 | liewwk Nature – 15+2 [update 20240307]



update 202403

– this bird can be found easily near Lodge area but we seldom stay.. most of ours activities walk from the lodge but this time we got this bird easily just ~200-400m away on ground (~5cm from ground) … it pick the fruit for feeding ?

– 我们通常都可以容易在酒店餐厅附近看到这鸟。可是我们都是一大早出去,中午或下午回来。。。很不容易在林里看到它。可是这一次很不样,就是在离开酒店200-400米就看到这鸟在捡果子。应该在喂小孩?

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Nectariniidae series: Spiderhunter | 太阳鸟科: 捕蛛鸟 | liewwk Nature – 10 [update 20240306]

Birds of Danum Valley | 沙巴丹浓谷保护区 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 12 [update 20240325]


update 202403

– it is almost same season for last year, this bird very active now … seem carrying food, actively eating … even common but who will say no to such a beautiful bird

– 每年都大概这季节,它都忙吃+捉吃的。虽然蛮普通可是谁会不要这鸟?

202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Birds of Fraser Hill, Malaysia | 福隆港 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 18 [update 20240329]

Meropidae series: Bee-eater | 蜂虎科 | liewwk Nature – 5-1 [update 20240306]




update 202403

– this bird seem not easy at any where, but Danum Valley, BRL seem very easy .. I almost never miss this bird even for picture … but not this time, day1…day2 we tried very hard even went into trail but this bird seem very quick show and gone no one seem have good view except me 🙁 …but this bird just sudden appear at main road after we got the Finsch’s Bulbul … it just stand there and sing+dance for us

– 这鸟在丹浓谷应该是最容易(拍摄+看)的吧。可是这一次很另外,我们用了2天还要到林步道里找可是都没看清楚(当然我是看到)。。。当我们都觉得看到这鸟可是不很清楚(其中一个客人非常认真,他是放“没看到”。。)可是最后一天,最后一刻。。。在大路,这鸟很奇特自己跳了出来唱歌+跳舞。。。。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Birds of Danum Valley | 沙巴丹浓谷保护区 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 12 [update 20240325]

Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-2 [update 20240324]


update 202403

– Thanks for trust, let us have very good view of this bird… sometime a full trust give us a good opportunity

– 感恩客人的信任,才让大家试试新的地方。才让我们看到这么可爱的鸟。

202402, Pahang, Malaysia

Birds of Taman Negara – Kuala Tahan, Malaysia | 大汉山国家公园 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 3 [update 20240228]

Podargidae series: Frogmouth | 蟆口鸱科 | liewwk Nature 6-2 [update 20240305]


update 202403

– just finish my fist long tour (19days) which sight 366++ (ebird).. many good memory for sure … and this common bird make us spent so much time to have a clear view and even the Bornean Bristlehead above us… no one want to have a look at it … all of suddenly these 2 birds pop up and making some displaying, dancing for us …

– a very active and normally not easy to have full open view

– 刚完成19天观鸟团,看到366种鸟(Ebird) (拍到~190种吧。。不是纪录照)太多甜酸。。。包括这一只非常普通的鸟,就用了好几天都没办法看好。。。在这一幕前一天,婆罗洲棘头鵙在头上都没人愿意找(我们看2次了)。几乎都放弃时,在我们碰碰运气找大蓝八色鸫前。它们在我们面前跳起舞来。。。。大家都笑啦。虽然普通。。。。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

Birds of Danum Valley | 沙巴丹浓谷保护区 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 12 [update 20240325]

Timaliidae series: Babbler, Scimitar Babbler | 画眉科 | liewwk Nature – 15+2 [update 20240307]


